Wednesday 4 March 2015

Drafting and Planning - main photo

The main photo symbolises the upset and hurt that is expressed in the song and the video. It shows a girl looking like she has got ready and gone out for the night and things have taken a turn for the worst and she's beginning to look a state from the effects of alcohol, drugs and emotional pain.

I edited the picture so that it was mirrored as I felt it would look better the other way round on the advertisement and CD cover so that the details are given before the image.

I then decided to make the image black and white to match the theme of the video and the colour scheme of the second half. It also went well in this colour with the smoke background images for the CD and advertisement. However, it looked dull and did not stand out well so I chose to highlight the colour red to attract attention and to also symbolise danger and love which fits in with the message.

Overall, I think the image looked effective and fits in with the message of the song and video and also the colour scheme and style.