Friday 23 January 2015

Drafting/planning - work in progress

This is a screenshot of the programme I'm using and the first steps of creating my video. 

Drafting and Planning - Serif Movie Plus XS

I have filmed short clips for my music video and need to edit them and put them all together to fit the song and style.
To edit my music video I am using a programme called MoviePlus which allows me to crop, trim, slow down and speed up clips as well as adding effects such as filters. I can also fade in and out so my video is smooth and looks professional.

Wednesday 21 January 2015

Drafting and Planning - Mood board

Just before I film and put together my music video, digipak and magazine advertisement, I thought it would help me to do a quick mood board of lots of things I want included and give me my final ideas and plans. I think this is effective as it inspires me to create my video in the way I want it and makes me feel more at ease knowing what I need to get done.

Monday 19 January 2015

Organisation of props - props I have collected

Over the months I have asked family and friends if I can keep their empty alcohol cans and bottles to use as the props for the music video. There are party scenes where there will be a lot of alcohol needed in the background and to make it look realistic.

Wednesday 7 January 2015

Drafting and planning - mock album cover

This is a draft of one of my ideas for a CD cover. I had the idea of using the smoke as the background as smoke will be featured in the video. I also kept the colours dull to portray the mood of the story behind the video. I have used a young, pretty model which is what people would expect to see in a trap music video. I like the font I have used as it is clear and looks different to what is usually seen. 
I may re-do the same type of cover in a more colourful style, including red as there will be a red wash over some scenes in the video so this will keep continuity. 

Tuesday 6 January 2015

Drafting and planning - fonts

These are the fonts I am currently looking at to use for my album cover. I have used the single name 'stay high' to test out the fonts and see what they will look like. 

Friday 2 January 2015

Research into similar products - Inspiration for the cover image

Like tove-lo, I want the front cover of my album to include one of the girls from my video upset and showing the tone of video and the story behind it. This will be an image like:

I feel that this would be effective as it would continue the dark vibes of the album and video and link them both together. It would work as continuity and give the audience a sense of what the song is about and how the video goes.

Or I am thinking of taking a screenshot of part of the music video, a bit that looks casual and not as 
dark such as:


These would be effective as it doesn't give away anything about the video or song and may make the audience want to view it. It would be mysterious and make the audience wonder what the link between the video and the song is.