Tuesday 16 September 2014

Research into similar products - how to analyse a music video

There are many tips on how to analyse a music video.
I have researched into Andrew Goodwin who has a theory on music videos and explains the steps to analysing a music video.
The powerpoint below explains his theory.

His theory basically is that music videos have genre characteristics that you should look out for, such as dance routines in pop music videos. There should be a link between the video and the lyrics and the connection should be fairly obvious. This may contradict, illustrate or amplify. The music and the visuals should also connect with each other in some way, the video should match the speed of the music. There will usually be a lot of close ups and shots of the artists to help the record label develop the artist and so they build up a style. The notion of looking will be referenced by things such as screens within screens and women may be particularly shown in a sexual manner. There is usually influence from other media texts.

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