Monday 22 September 2014

Research into similar products - Original music video analysis

Tove-Lo - Habits music video analysis

The video starts with the girl looking very tired and worn out. She looks miserable, showing that the lifestyle she is living isn't making her happy or actually numbing the pain that she is trying to get rid of by drinking/smoking/partying. This also shows the negative effects of alcohol, as the next day you feel worse than you did before you started drinking, not only do you have your emotions to deal with again but you are also hungover and feeling awful

The video then moves on to the girl travelling home in the state that she is in. She looks ashamed and vulnerable, which stresses the point that the lifestyle she is choosing to live to get over somebody is not working, and is not giving her the chance to sort out her life and get over the person she has broken up with. 

After this, you see the girl preparing for another night out. This means she is not learning from her mistakes and is carrying on partying to make herself forget about her problems for a night. 

As the girl is travelling to her night out, she looks miserable still, and not excited like most people are before a night out with their friends. Her decisions to get drunk are only masking her issues for the time she is drunk, it is not helping her get over them or get through them. It is a way many people decide to try and forget about their problems, when in reality it just causes more. 

The video then shows the girl getting drunk and the way she is deciding numb her pain and broken heart. The atmosphere and environment is very dark and dingy, representing the lifestyle she is leading and giving an uncomfortable and dangerous vibe. It doesn't look like the place anyone would wish to be in. 

There is a close up of the girl drinking from a beer bottle, showing the mixture of drinks and how much she is drinking to numb her pain. 

There is another shot of the girl taking a shot. A shot is strong alcohol so it is showing how much she is drinking as she is doing several of them. 

There is a close up of the girls lips when she is drinking another drink through a straw. This is again emphasising the amount she is drinking and the mixture of drinks. This proves that she is only drinking to get very drunk and to attempt to get rid of her pain and not to actually have a good night or have fun. 

The video then moves on to the girl breaking down and crying which shows that by drinking away her problems, she is not actually numbing the pain she is feeling, if anything it makes it worse. Alcohol/drugs/sex are not an answer to your problems and cannot help you get over someone or numb your pain, making you feel better. Alcohol is a depressant and only makes you feel bad. Also, with this lifestyle you are only going to feel guilty and embarrassed about your actions and ashamed of yourself, overall giving you more problems than you already had. 

A close up of the teardrop expresses the pain and sadness that this girl is feeling and highlighting how her lifestyle is not making her feel any better or helping her. This shows the negative side of alcohol. 

This shot shows the girl getting attention from another man when she is drunk. This is another way she is trying to get over the person she loved, by sleeping around and getting attention. This is something most people regret doing and will only bring on more negative emotions as she is not over the person she loves. 

The video moves back to the girl breaking down, again showing she is unhappy with the way she is living and it is not helping her to live this lifestyle. 

I think the analysis of this video will help me create mine as it helps to show the negative side of alcohol and how it is not a solution to your problems, which is the kind of message I want to get across in mine. These shots have given me inspiration for my music video and have given me many ideas as to how I can get my point across and make it clear and relevant. 

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