Friday 24 October 2014

Organisation - Camera angles

While researching camera angles, I came across this short youtube clip that gives simple ways to shoot videos and still make them look effective.
One of the things the lady talks about is the 'dolly' effect where the camera moves on a dolly but she has shown the viewers how to do it without one. She also explains rapid movements and panning and I found inspiration from this and feel that it will really help me when it comes to filming my music video.

Thursday 23 October 2014

Organisation - Props

Fake smoke will be used in my music video so that the atmosphere has a smokey affect but I do not want to fill the room or have large areas. I will make this simply using dry ice and warm water. 
This is how I will make the smoke to film: how to make fake smoke


In my music video there will also be people smoking cigarettes (over the age of 18 and smokers) and fake cigarettes (anybody under the age of 18 or a non-smoker).

As well as this, I will mix together drinks and make it look like alcohol so it looks like the characters are drinking and doing shots, as this is the story to the video. Empty alcohol bottles will be scattered around to make it look like a lot of alcohol has been consumed.  


Wednesday 22 October 2014

Drafting and planning and organisation - Mock CD cover and photo opportunities

For the front cover of my CD case, I will screenshot a part of my music video and use that so that it fits in with the song, colour scheme and theme. This will include either the main character by theimelves or a group of people in one of the locations. If I decide against this I may create a image using colours and designs that fits the colour scheme as this fits in with the genre of trap music.

 I have created a mock using an existent image that fits in with my music video:

Target audience expectations/attractions - fan website

During my research into trap music fans, I came across a website full of mixtapes, videos, interviews and exclusives and it even contains a shop which sells trap music merchandise. It also has pages for similar music genres such as Hip-Hop. I found this useful in helping me find out more about the trap music genre and what the target audience of my music video likes.The shop helped me see the styles trap music fans want to see and what products are out there that could be included.

This website is called Run The Trap and here is the link to check it out -

Friday 17 October 2014

Targetting an Audience - Survey

I have created a survey using SurveyMonkey to gain insight into what people expect to see in music videos, especially in the trap music genre as there are not many out there.
I think the feedback from this survey will give me ideas for my music video and help me make it fit the genre 

Wednesday 15 October 2014

Research into Similar Products - Trap music magazine

Trap Magazine-
There is a magazine called trapmag that is especially devoted to trap music and is all about new releases, keeping up with the genre and styles of trap music. It can be read online and it gives you the option to share the magazine on Facebook, Twitter, Soundcloud and Instagram so that you can show your friends and give trapmag publicity. It is very detailed and interesting to read and is really up-to-date and in tune with the latest trap music. In the magazine, there are features such as interviews with trap music artists and news about events and gossip. The magazine advertises trap music gigs and would be very good for the trap music fans. I'm glad I found this magazine to help with my research.


Friday 10 October 2014

Research into Similar Products/ Target Audience - Advertisements - Radio

Trap music radio shows are available to listen to over the internet. 

A website called MixCloud posts that Trap Music is one of the most popular tags on there. 

Another radio station is live365 which plays Trapstyle, Trapstep, EDM Trap, Experimental, Chill Trap, 808 Bass, Future Trap and more.

As well as this, playfm is another radio station that plays Trap Music radio shows. It plays these online for free so anybody can listen to them. 

Research into Similar Products - Conventions of CD covers (back)

Research into Similar Products - Trap music conventions

The stereotypical conventions of trap music:

- the sound is created using a computer. 
- lyrics/rap is added over the top of the generated sound.
- rap has heavier bass lines.
- in rock/techno the bass/drum sound is better and more widespread.
- notes flow very easily.
- writers switch up their styles to prevent it becoming repetitive.
- has dark themes such as observations of street life or harsh surroundings as well as partying, crime, sex and personal feelings.

Organisation - Requesting Permission

I have requested permission to use the video 'Keys N Krates - All the time' for my media project. DIM MAK is the record label for Keys N Krates so I have given them my details and asked for permission to use content. I explained to them why I would like to use it so hopefully they will contact me soon.

Organisation - Potential Colour Schemes

So far, my ideas on a colour scheme are varied. I noticed in 'Tove-Lo - Habits', there was a purple wash over the video which made it seem more depressing and worn out and I liked the effect it had on the video. I plan to do something similar if I can, to make my video look more dingy and signify that it is not a nice lifestyle to lead. 

My video needs to show the negative impact alcohol and drugs can have on your life and how not to deal with your problems the same way as what is in the video. I feel that this can be partially done through colour and that the right scheme will help show this mood. 


Dark Blue - Bright Blue - Sky Blue - Light Blue

The colour blue makes people think of nature like the sea and sky. It is also a colour associated with heaven and authority. However, it also has connotations of coldness and wetness and is considered to be thought of as 'slow'. 
Different shades have different meanings. 

Dark blue makes people think of trust and dignity, along with intelligence and authority. This has positive connotations and makes things seem important.
Bright blue is thought to be a sign of cleanliness as well as strength, coolness and dependability.
Lighter blue colours have the connotations of peace, serenity, ethereal, spiritual and infinity. 

None of these shades would be appropriate as they are positive and I am representing negative emotions, 

However, on the other hand, blue evolved as a symbol of depression. People say things like 'singing the blues' and 'feeling blue'. 

Blue is a good example of the complexity of colours and how they can be used to convey several different things. 


The colour red has connotations of danger and is the colour of extremes. This would be relevant as it connects to the risky lifestyle shown in the video and the danger of drugs and alcohol.

It is also a colour of passion, love and seduction which could also be used as the song is about her getting over a man she loves by sleeping around.

Also, red districts sell sex and pornography in every European culture so the connotations might spring to mind when the song talks about when she 'can't go home alone again, need someone to numb the pain.


Although yellow is usually linked with happiness, optimism, creativity, enlightenment and nature, there is another side to the colour.

The darker side of yellow portrays madness, egoism,  betrayal and cowardice. 

As well as this it is the colour of physical illness and of signs indicating caution all of the world. It is used for caution as it is the colour that the human eye processes first and is the most visible colour of the spectrum. 

Thursday 9 October 2014

Organisation - potential locations

Parts of the video may be shot on the streets of birmingham late at night, possibly travelling to and from the different locations of drinking and smoking. This will also add a sense of danger to the video and will make it seem more dark and depressing. 

After clubbing and partying, scenes may be shot outside bars, pubs and clubs after drinking to show the effect it has and how dangerous it is to be intoxicated in the streets. Places like broadstreet in Birmingham may be good places to film short scenes but would not be good for a large majority of the video. 

Train stations may be a good idea for short parts of the video also as it shows the character travelling to places and may show her looking confused, scared, anxious or worried. I also feel that at night, places like this give off bad vibes and make people feel uneasy and on edge. 

The majority of the video will be filmed at a house party where there will be a lot of drinking and smoking and can show the girl trying to get over her ex by partying her life away and seeing different men. It can also show her being surrounded by friends and in a more positive atmosphere but still feeling depressed and down as the alcohol and drugs and sex are not solving her problems, they are only making her worse. 

Another idea for a location to film in would be a pub as it can show the person drinking a lot of alcohol and ending up in a state, expressing that it is a negative way to live. 

Thursday 2 October 2014

Research into a potential target audience

The age group that are usually into trap music is late teens/early twenties. The people that listen to trap music are usually also into grime and rap music and sometimes hip-hop as this is the kind of music that is mixed into trap music and is the most similar. Trap music gigs are always very loud and lively and played in fairly small venues with close crowds. The vibe of these gigs/concerts is buzzing and everyone has a lot of fun.

Research into Similar Products - Conventions of CD covers (front)

There will always be a main image on a CD cover, one that is dominant and draws attention. This represents the artists or bands unique image, whether it is an image of themselves or an illustration. Artists that do not use images of themselves on the cover make themselves seem more mysterious and create a deeper atmosphere.

Here are two examples of artists that have used images of themselves on the front cover. This makes it obvious who made the album and gives an indication as to what genre the music is.

Here are two album covers that have used alternative images as oppose to images of themselves. This makes the cover more interesting and eye catching but does not give an accurate representation of the music genre.

There will also be the artists name on the cover. This is to show who's CD it is and allows their target audience to recognise and remember the artist. Some artists may use initials and challenge the convention such as Marilyn Manson's cover.

As well as this, the album name should always be present on the album cover so that the audience can have an indication of what the album is about. The font style may represent the genre, for example - pop is usually a bubbly writing and metal is usually gothic and sharp. You can clearly see the genre of the following album covers: 


Many bands have a logo that carries them through their concerts, albums and merchandise so that fans can easily recognise that it is the band they love. 
Some popular and iconic ones are below: 



Wednesday 1 October 2014

Research into Similar Products - Trap Music CD covers

Most trap music artists upload their songs onto streaming websites or specific music websites. There are also many artists that do music videos for youtube. Because of this, there are not many artists that have CD covers for trap music. The ones that do, usually do not have an image of their selves, they have an image of a place or a made up graphic.  
These do not typically follow the conventions of a CD cover.