Friday 10 October 2014

Organisation - Potential Colour Schemes

So far, my ideas on a colour scheme are varied. I noticed in 'Tove-Lo - Habits', there was a purple wash over the video which made it seem more depressing and worn out and I liked the effect it had on the video. I plan to do something similar if I can, to make my video look more dingy and signify that it is not a nice lifestyle to lead. 

My video needs to show the negative impact alcohol and drugs can have on your life and how not to deal with your problems the same way as what is in the video. I feel that this can be partially done through colour and that the right scheme will help show this mood. 


Dark Blue - Bright Blue - Sky Blue - Light Blue

The colour blue makes people think of nature like the sea and sky. It is also a colour associated with heaven and authority. However, it also has connotations of coldness and wetness and is considered to be thought of as 'slow'. 
Different shades have different meanings. 

Dark blue makes people think of trust and dignity, along with intelligence and authority. This has positive connotations and makes things seem important.
Bright blue is thought to be a sign of cleanliness as well as strength, coolness and dependability.
Lighter blue colours have the connotations of peace, serenity, ethereal, spiritual and infinity. 

None of these shades would be appropriate as they are positive and I am representing negative emotions, 

However, on the other hand, blue evolved as a symbol of depression. People say things like 'singing the blues' and 'feeling blue'. 

Blue is a good example of the complexity of colours and how they can be used to convey several different things. 


The colour red has connotations of danger and is the colour of extremes. This would be relevant as it connects to the risky lifestyle shown in the video and the danger of drugs and alcohol.

It is also a colour of passion, love and seduction which could also be used as the song is about her getting over a man she loves by sleeping around.

Also, red districts sell sex and pornography in every European culture so the connotations might spring to mind when the song talks about when she 'can't go home alone again, need someone to numb the pain.


Although yellow is usually linked with happiness, optimism, creativity, enlightenment and nature, there is another side to the colour.

The darker side of yellow portrays madness, egoism,  betrayal and cowardice. 

As well as this it is the colour of physical illness and of signs indicating caution all of the world. It is used for caution as it is the colour that the human eye processes first and is the most visible colour of the spectrum. 

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