Thursday 9 October 2014

Organisation - potential locations

Parts of the video may be shot on the streets of birmingham late at night, possibly travelling to and from the different locations of drinking and smoking. This will also add a sense of danger to the video and will make it seem more dark and depressing. 

After clubbing and partying, scenes may be shot outside bars, pubs and clubs after drinking to show the effect it has and how dangerous it is to be intoxicated in the streets. Places like broadstreet in Birmingham may be good places to film short scenes but would not be good for a large majority of the video. 

Train stations may be a good idea for short parts of the video also as it shows the character travelling to places and may show her looking confused, scared, anxious or worried. I also feel that at night, places like this give off bad vibes and make people feel uneasy and on edge. 

The majority of the video will be filmed at a house party where there will be a lot of drinking and smoking and can show the girl trying to get over her ex by partying her life away and seeing different men. It can also show her being surrounded by friends and in a more positive atmosphere but still feeling depressed and down as the alcohol and drugs and sex are not solving her problems, they are only making her worse. 

Another idea for a location to film in would be a pub as it can show the person drinking a lot of alcohol and ending up in a state, expressing that it is a negative way to live. 

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