Thursday 12 February 2015

Drafting/Planning - Effects I have used

So far while editing my video, I have used many effects to make my video interesting and appealing.

An effect I have used in my video is making the smoke at the very beginning reverse back after being blown out. This suits the very first lyrics 'I want you to breathe all of this in'. This scene has also been slowed down at the beginning where the smoke has been blown out and sped up when it has been reversed.
I have also used the reverse effect further on in the video, where a drunken girl is walking down the stairs. In this scene, she stumbles down the stairs, with make up down her face and holding her shoes and then the scene reverses and changes into black and white. I added this effect as the black and white highlights how the girl feels and it looks interesting and effective.
I have used the reverse effect again in the video, on a smoke trick. The person performs the smoke trick and then it reverses so it looks like they are breathing it all back in again. I like this scene as it looks really fascinating and highlights the smoke trick.

I have also slowed down scenes and sped them up. I slowed down a scene where a girl has had too much to drink and is walking out of a door. This makes the scene slow motion and expresses how a drunk person feels.
I have slowed down and sped up different smoke tricks throughout the video, to make them stand out and look good.

As well as this, I have added a green wash over scenes that are not already green as this makes them fit in with the party scenes and helps with the continuity of the video.

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