Tuesday 9 December 2014

Drafting and planning - Theme and style of my video

It is important that there is a scheme to the entire video, yet each scene maintains individuality. This needs to be in both the set and the filming techniques and they need to stay within the 'rules' of the music video and follow the conventions. 

The main theme of my video is the negativity of drugs and alcohol and the bad affect they have on people and their emotions and judgement. I feel that this is an important theme and I want to get across the message that people use these things to get over their problems and try to make them forget things they do not want to remember but it does not work in this way.
This will be expressed through the colour scheme, camera angles, mise-en-scene and the actions on screen. The theme will be, whenever drugs are alcohol are used, there will be sadness.
There will be bright lights and dim lights to express the happy and sad time. 

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