Thursday 4 December 2014

Organisation - Colour Scheme

The two videos I have came across so far use a colour scheme to express the emotion in the story being told. 

The first video I analysed was 'Tove-lo - Habits.'

I also discussed the colour scheme of this video in a blog post about colours.

I have decided to look into colour schemes in further detail after I analysed the negativity in the 'Ed Sheeran - A team' video and realised how effective the black and white colour scheme was. 

The colour schemes in these two videos are very different but still both express the emotions of the main characters in the story. 

In Tove-Lo - Habits, there is a slight purple wash over the video, that becomes more obvious when the video is darker and therefore more emotional. This is effective as purple is linked to depression and is known to be a sign of instability.

Here are some negative connotations of the colour purple: 

I like that the colour wash wasn't so obvious, so it is like it is adding to the effect without the viewer even knowing. I think this is a good way of doing it and I will consider it in my own music video. 

In Ed Sheeran - A Team, the whole video is in black and white which gives a depressing, sad effect to the entire story and meaning, The video is sad and is showing a troubled girl, so the emotions are expressed through colour.
 Black is linked to death which gives a scary vibe and it is also connected to nighttime and threatening situations. This is effective as night time is viewed as dangerous and is thought to be negative, As well as this, black is associated with mourning, evil and destruction and the unknown, which gives an eery effect.

White is usually viewed in a positive light, linking to innocence and purity which is contradictory to the music video as it includes prostitutes and drugs. This could have been done on purpose to show the contrast and draw attention to the negativity.

When white and black are mixed together, it creates the colour grey. The colour grey is known to be a dull and boring colour and is never the centre of attention. It can have the same connotations as black if it is a darker shade. It can be thought of as mysterious. Grey is linked to depression as when a person is depressed, it is thought that they see the world 'greyer' than people that are not depressed. 

Both videos are mainly in dark settings, which emphasises the emotion on screen and also brings out more. I will look into what lighting means in these videos. 

Meanings of dark and light 
Darkness is perceived negatively. It brings ideas of depression, fear and destruction. It can be associated with hiding, which brings out fear and gives the idea of isolation. It can also link to evil or lack of righteousness in some religions.

Light is usually seen to be positive. It refers to goodness and righteousness. It is often associated with intellect and realisation. In a light setting a person is usually more at ease and in comfort as it is seen as safer and more relaxing. 

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