Friday 26 December 2014

Research into similar products - tove-lo album cover and advertisements

Before I started work on my album cover, I decided to look at the artist who has been the main inspiration for my work so far - Tove Lo. I looked at the single cover for the original version of the song I am doing my music video for.

This was the first cover I came across. It has the artist with make up down her face as if she has been crying, which suits what happens in the video and the storyline to go with it. The writing is bold and noticeable with the artists name in a slightly different colour to the singles name to establish the difference. I think this cover is effective as its main aspect is the artist and it has a clear link to the video and what the song is about. 

This is the main single cover for this song. I like the way this one is presented as the artists emotions come through as again it looks like she has been crying. It is in black and white which represents the depressing story to the song but the single name is in bright pink writing with a fun font to make it stand out and appeal to the audience. The artist looks similar to how she looks in the music video and her make up is smudged which shows the link between the cover and the music video. 

This is Tove Lo's album cover. This is the album that includes the single 'habits' which is the original version of the song I am making my video for. I really like this cover as I think the colour scheme grabs the eye and the picture is edgy, dramatic and powerful. The diamond draws attention to the facial expression which is strong and bold. The artists name is written in the same font as it was on the single cover which shows it's the artists signature font. The font of the name of the album is written in the same font for continuity reasons and to make it look professional and appealing. 

This is another one of Tove-Lo's singles 'Not on drugs'. She uses the same fonts as the ones on the 'habits' single which shows continuity. She continues her edgy style and look and it is also in black and white to be emotive and is powerful at representing the stories behind the songs. 

This is a single cover for a remix version of the song I am doing for the music video. This could be a screenshot from the video as the picture is someone smoking to get high which is what the song is about. This represents part of the story of the song and the colours are fairly neutral and are not bold to keep the tone relaxed. The girl is an attractive young female which is what people said they would expect to see in a trap music video. The song title is written in big writing across the cover but still shows the image and I really like the way this looks. 

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