Wednesday 26 November 2014

Research into a potential target audience - In depth audience research

I have already done a questionnaire to help with audience research, but I felt as if I should do more as it was not detailed enough. I wanted to be more precise and link it to my actual music video to see if my ideas were on point and good enough to create what I want. 
I have a friend that is into creating trap music and performs gigs and events so I thought it would be ideal to give me a good detailed response.
His name is Dan Rigby and he is a nineteen year old man that is studying at the Academy of Contemporary Music College in Guildford. He and his friend Dom work together to create trap music and DJ at gigs under the name 'GOV'. They are working on an album which should be finished soon.
I felt that his input would definitely help with my audience research as he knows what trap music fans want. I have explained my ideas to Dan so far and also shown him my blog so that he has a good idea of what I'm thinking of so far. 

The questions and answers are as follows: 

1. I am working on the song 'Stay high' by Keys N Krates, what connotations does the name of the song bring to mind and what would you expect from this based on the name? 
"The song definitely sounds like it should be based around drug use. I'm not sure if it is in a positive or negative way yet but from what I've heard, a negative look into the use of softer drugs and alcohol that are common in the teen world nowadays will be a really good idea. You should use this idea and run with it, I think you could create a good music video from this song"

2. How do you think I can show that this video is portraying alcohol and drug use in a negative way?
"Okay, I feel that this can be done in a really obvious way that basically shows the message as 'drugs are bad, alcohol is bad' or you could do it in a subtle way, which is more like 'they do not help with your problems, like at all' and I think the latter is the best way to go. From what I've heard, you want the story to be about a girl trying to get over a bad break up by using drugs and alcohol and you want it to not work for her. I think that in the video you should show that every time she uses these ways to try and get rid of her emotions, you should show her emotions getting worse by it, which is actually what happens so it's realistic too."

3. Can you think of any similar music videos that I can get inspiration from? Where do you think I should look for inspiration?
I think the ones you've looked at on your blog so far are really good ones to gain ideas from and they will really help you with your own so you are doing well. Focus more on them and maybe look at videos from edgy pop stars like Rihanna to get ideas on style and camera angles and things. It's difficult with trap music as there are not really any trap music videos out there. Although I'd love to create a video for one of my songs one day. Maybe do some research into music videos that portray alcohol and drugs in a bad way and also songs about break ups and anything relating to your video, you can get inspiration from anywhere. 

4. Do you think it will be good to include shocking images in the video or leave it to the imagination?
I think you should use a few shocking images but not really bad shocking. Just show the girl really upset or in a state after throwing up - not necessarily showing her actually throwing her guts up. So that the audience do know what has happened and what affect it has but they don't have to be repulsed or very upset by anything. Showing the girl visibly upset with her make up down her face will have enough of an impact and get the message across, don't over do the shock factor. 

5. What do you think I have to include in my video for it to appeal to my target audience?
I think lots of bright colours throughout and a sick song will get the trap music fans buzzing and interested in what you've got. Advertise it well, use an attention grabbing image on the cover of the album and magazine advertisement, use a really good, exciting font. Use yourself and what you would like to see. I know you like my music and are into trap music yourself so what would appeal to YOU in a video? Don't rule your own opinions out and go with your instincts. People our age want parties, a good song, a good, interesting story behind the video. Go with your ideas, you will do amazingly.

Thank you Dan!
No problem Jenn, you'll do great.

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