Thursday 6 November 2014

Research into similar products - analysis of magazine advertisements

This magazine advert for Jessie J follows most of the typical conventions of a magazine advertisement for an album. It features the name of the artist very clearly and in an eye catching font which stands out from the rest of the page. The name of the album is also on the advertisement in the centre of the page so it shows what it's promoting. The main image is the same as the one on the album cover to make the album recognisable and so readers know what to look out for. This ensures brand identity. Jessie J also has her name written in a recognisable way as it is the way it is always written. The two 'J's connect together and this is instantly recognisable. There is no release date on this advertisement but this may be because it was already released at the time. Although if it followed the conventions, it should say 'available now' or 'in stores now'. This advert has information about the album on it to promote the album and make it more appealing by showing the popular songs on the CD. The record label is featured in the corner so that it does not distract away from the main image. The website is also featured but is written small so that it does not attract too much attention.
Jessie J's advertisement has a black and gold colour scheme which makes her look powerful and strong.

The name of the artist stands out very boldly on this magazine as it is white writing inside a black box. This has a newspaper type style in black white and grey colours with the name of the popular songs in red and in a different font which really makes them stand out. The album cover is not as obvious as on other advertisements but the main image is the same as the album so the audience can recognise it from that. The record label is on the advert but it is very small and does not attract much attention so the focus is mainly on the image of Rihanna. The image and style makes Rihanna look dangerous which gives it a dramatic effect.

The image links to the name of the album which is effective as audiences can recognise this and it makes the cover more memorable. The name of the artist and the album are very clear and bold as they are in white writing on a black background. This will ensure that the readers of the magazine will know what the product is and remember the artist. It has the release date on it to inform readers of when the album is available to purchase. It also shows the types of ways you can buy it such as digitally or on vinyl as well as CD. The record label is small and in the corner so it does not distract any attention from the artist. The image is the same one that is on the CD so it will be recognisable in shops. 

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