Wednesday 5 November 2014

Research into similar products - Typical conventions of a magazine advertisement

The functions of a magazine advertisement are to promote the artist, and to sell the song so it must be eye catching to draw attention to it and make people want to hear the music. 

A magazine advert must include the artists name so that the readers know who the artist is who the advertisement is promoting. 
It must also include the name of the song/album so that people know what the product is and so they can listen to it and buy it.
 As well as this, it is important that there is an image of the album cover to ensure that people know what the product looks like so that they can recognise it in shops. This will also promote the artist as the cover should be interesting and eye catching. This will make the artist more recognisable to the public.
The release date is important so that the audience know when the product is available in order to buy it.
The record label logo is usually included on the advertisement to show where the music has come from and to promote the record label as well as the artist. This also may encourage people to buy the album if they think it is a good and respectable record label. It will also give an indication to the type of music the album has on it.
Also, the advert should include where the product is available and which shops will be stocking it so that the readers can actually buy it.


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