Thursday 27 November 2014

Research into similar products - further research into magazine advertisements and album covers

This is Nelly's 2002 album. This advertisement follows the majority of the conventions for magazine advertisements. The main image is the same one as the image used on the album cover. This makes the album recognisable in shops and gets the viewer familiar with it. The artists name is clear on the advertisement to make sure the reader knows who's album is being advertised but it is not on the album as the person buying it will already know who he is. The same font is used on both for the album name 'Nellyville' which is written clearly and boldly. However, the writing is in a different colour on the advertisement to make it stand out as more information needs to be fitted on to it. The advertisement includes the date the album is released so that the reader knows when the album is available to purchase in shops. The advertisement also offers the information that it includes a popular single that the reader may be familiar with and enjoy listening to. This is a good advertising technique as it may encourage people to listen to his other music if they like this song. The CD cover has a parental advisory sticker to advise people that the album has explicit language and may not be suitable for younger listeners.

This is Wretch 32's 2008 album. Exactly the same image has been used on both the advertisement and the album. The advertisement even has an image of the album cover on it and this helps the audience recognise the album in shops. A clear, bold font has been used for the name of the album and the name of the artist so that the audience know who the advertisement is for and so they can remember the name and recognise it in shops on the shelves. On the advertisement, the date the album is released is very clear so that the reader knows when the product is available to buy and it also has a list of shops that it can be purchased from so that the reader knows where they can get it from. There is also information about the album on the advertisement to attract the readers attention if they see a name they like.  

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