Thursday 20 November 2014

Research and planning - how to make a successful music video

On the NME website, I found an interview with Sasha Nixon, who is the head of music videos and and executive producer at Partizan, where she talks about about music video's and how we consume them. Partizan. Partizan was established in 1991 and is twice listed as the Gunn Report's 'Best production company in the world'. Partizan is one of the world's principal content creators compromising music videos, commercials, documentaries, feature films, animation, digital branded content online and interactive events and installations.
This is part of what it says about music videos on the website.

  I found it interesting to read considering I will be creating my own very soon. In this interview, Sasha Nixon talks about what she feels makes a great music video as well as how the internet has changed music videos and other things on the topic.

This gave me inspiration to continue looking into what makes a successful music video.

Huffington post had an article on 'five ways to make a great music video.

In this article, it explains that you need a good concept which made me think deeper into the story I want to create for my music video. I really need to get across the point that everything that is shown in the video is in a negative light.
It also says to innovate. Even though my video will be low-budget I still need to work with what I've got and make it the best I can and find locations that stand out.

As well as this, I found another website about how to make a successful music video and this one is focused on beginners. 

This focuses on the equipment, camera shots and angles, composition and planning. 

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