Tuesday 4 November 2014

Organisation - Equipment

Along with fake smoke, cigarettes and alcohol bottles, my music video will contain many more props to make it look realistic and interesting. But before props, I need equipment such as a camera and stand to actually film the video. The equipment I will be using is:

A video camera
A camera is the most important thing needed to film the footage for the video and get the right shots that you need. 

A tripod
This is needed to balance the camera and make the video look professional.This will keep the camera steady and allows you to move the direction and angle of the camera at ease and keep it looking smooth.

Parts of my video will be filmed in the dark so it is important to use the correct lighting to make sure that the characters are visible and it is clear what is going on. It is also essential that the video is not too bright as it will distract the viewers away from the action and story. 

Computer software
I will be using computer software to edit the video and add the finishing touches as well as put together scenes. This is important as without this the video would not be very good at all as it would all have to be filmed at once. 

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