Tuesday 4 November 2014

Target audience - survey results analysis

The majority of people that filled out this survey are aged between 16 and 20 which is the audience I am targeting. However, it has been filled out by people of all ages which gives me a better understanding of what the public think of trap music and music videos. 

I asked the question 'how often do you watch music videos?' to get an idea of how often my music video will be played and who will watch it the most often. 

Out of the people surveyed, hip hop music was the favourite music genre, which is the most similar to trap music. This means that my survey will have been filled out by people that like the genre of music I am working with and have an understanding on it. However there is a mixture of genres including pop and rock so there may be a variety of answers. Some people answered trap music for their favourite genre so their answers to the survey will be ideal. 

The majority of people had heard of trap music which is a good thing as they know what they are talking about and this shows me that most of them have seen trap music videos before. 

I found out that sound cloud is the most popular music streaming website and this will help me when it comes to publisising my video. It is followed by spotify, which is the site I use and know a lot about. 

Most people watch music videos on the internet which is good as it is where mine will be. This will make my video more popular. 

The most common answer I got for the question 'what kind of people would you expect to see in a trap music video?' was young and attractive people. This helps a lot as I know what the audience are expecting to see and how I can make my video fit in with the genre. 

Nearly everyone that took the survey said that it was a good idea to represent alcohol in a negative way. This is good as this is what I plan to do in my music video and I am happy with this response. 

I am still coming up with ideas about my album cover so the last question has put some thoughts into my head and is helping me along the lines of planning. 

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